SENS Announcement – Trading Statement

In terms of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, a listed company is required to publish a trading statement as soon as it becomes reasonably certain that the financial results for the
next period to be reported on will differ by 20% or more from the financial results for the previous corresponding period.

Shareholders are referred to the trading statement released by the Company on 8 December 2022, which advised that the Company expected both loss per share (“LPS”) and headline loss per share (“HLPS”) to be between 24.55 cents and 27.08 cents for the year ended 31 December 2022 (“Previous Trading Statement”).

Shareholders are hereby advised that a reasonable degree of certainty now exists that the expected LPS and HLPS will be an improvement on those disclosed in the Previous Trading Statement, with LPS and HLPS now expected to amount to between 22.88 cents and 24.14 cents, representing an increase in both the LPS and HLPS of between 80.26% (10.19 cents) and 90.26% (11.45 cents) for the year ended 31 December 2022, compared to the LPS and HLPS of 12.69 cents reported for the year ended 31 December 2021.

The reason for the deterioration in the LPS and HLPS for the year ended 31 December 2022, when compared to the previous financial year, is mainly as a result of the considerable
increase in operating expenditure incurred by the Company over this period.

The information contained in this trading statement has not been reviewed or reported on by the Company’s external auditors. R&E expects to release its financial results for the year ended 31 December 2022 on or about 31 March 2023.

22 March 2023
PSG Capital

SENS Announcement – Trading Statement

In terms of paragraph 3.4(b) of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, a listed company is required to publish a trading statement as soon as it becomes reasonably certain that the
financial results for the next period to be reported on will differ by 20% or more from the financial results for the previous corresponding period.

The Company hereby advises that a reasonable degree of certainty exists that for the financial year ending 31 December 2022 (“Current Reporting Period”), both loss per share (“LPS”) and headline loss per share (“HLPS”) will be between 24.55 cents and 27.08 cents, representing an increase in the loss per share of between 93.43% and 113.43% compared to the LPS and HLPS of 12.69 cents reported for the financial year ended 31 December 2021.

The LPS and HLPS for the Current Reporting Period increased mainly due to further operating expenditure incurred by the Company.

The financial information on which this trading statement is based has not been reviewed or reported on by the auditor of the Company. The audited results for the Current Reporting Period are expected to be published on or about 31 March 2023.

9 December 2022
PSG Capital

SENS Announcement – Summarised Group Unaudited Interim Financial Statements for the six months ended 30 June 2022

    Operating loss increased by 74.15% to R13.1 million, from R7.5 million in the prior corresponding period.
    Headline loss per share decreased by 49.48% to 14.90 cents per share, from 7.37 cents per share in the prior corresponding period.
    Loss per share decreased by 49.48% to 14.90 cents per share, from 7.37 cents per share in the prior corresponding period.
    Net asset value per share decreased by 12.88% to 130.76 cents per share, from 150.09 cents per share in the prior corresponding period.
    This short-form announcement is the responsibility of the directors of the Company. It contains only a summary of the information in the full announcement (“Full Announcement”) and does not contain full or complete details. The Full Announcement can be found at:

    A copy of the Full Announcement is also available for viewing on the Company’s website at or may be requested in person, at the Company’s registered office or the office of the sponsor, at no charge, during office hours.

    Any investment decisions by investors and/or shareholders should be based on consideration of the Full Announcement, as a whole.
    The results for the six months ended 30 June 2022 have not been reviewed or audited by the Company’s auditor.

31 August 2022
PSG Capital

SENS Announcement – Trading Statement

In terms of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, a listed company is required to publish a trading statement as soon as it becomes reasonably certain that the financial results for the next period to be reported on will differ by 20% or more from the financial results for the previous corresponding period.

Accordingly, shareholders are hereby advised that a reasonable degree of certainty exists that for the six months ended 30 June 2022, the Company expects to report:

  • a loss per share and a headline loss per share of 14.90 cents, representing an increase of 49.48% (7.53 cents) compared to a loss per share and headline loss per share of 7.37 cents reported for the six months ended 30 June 2021.

The reason for the increase in the loss per share and a headline loss per share for the current reporting period, is mainly due to further operating expenditure.

The financial information on which this trading statement is based has not been reviewed or reported on by the Company’s external auditors. R&E expects to release its interim financial results for the six months ended 30 June 2022 on or about 31 August 2022.

18 August 2022


PSG Capital

SENS Announcement – Trading Statement

In terms of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, a listed company is required to publish a trading statement as soon as it becomes reasonably certain that the financial results for the
next period to be reported on will differ by 20% or more from the financial results for the previous corresponding period.

Accordingly, shareholders are hereby advised that a reasonable degree of certainty exists that for the six months ended 30 June 2022, the Company expects to report:

  •  a loss per share and a headline loss per share of 14.90 cents, representing an increase of 49.48% (7.53 cents) compared to a loss per share and headline loss per share of 7.37 cents reported for the six months ended 30 June 2021.

The reason for the increase in the loss per share and a headline loss per share for the current reporting period, is mainly due to further operating expenditure.

The financial information on which this trading statement is based has not been reviewed or reported on by the Company’s external auditors. R&E expects to release its interim financial results for the six months ended 30 June 2022 on or about 31 August 2022.

18 August 2022
PSG Capital

SENS Announcement – Results of Annual General Meeting

Shareholders are hereby advised that at the annual general meeting of the Company held entirely by electronic communication at 11:00 a.m. today, Friday, 27 May 2022 (“AGM”), all of the resolutions were passed by the requisite majorities of the Company’s shareholders.

Details of the results of the voting at the AGM are as follows:

Resolutions proposed at the AGM Votes for resolution as a percentage of total number of shares voted at AGM Votes against resolution as a percentage of total number of shares voted at AGM Number of shares voted at AGM Number of shares voted at AGM as a percentage of shares in issue* Number of shares abstained as a percentage of shares in issue*
Ordinary resolution number 1:
To re-elect TS Dube as director
99.94% 0.06% 48 849 053 65.49% 0.89%
Ordinary resolution number 2:
To confirm the appointment of RJ Fehrsen as director
99.94% 0.06% 48 849 053 65.49% 0.89%
Ordinary resolution number 3:
To confirm the appointment of JM Kesler as director
99.94% 0.06% 48 849 053 65.49% 0.89%
Ordinary resolution number 4:
To appoint RJ Fehrsen as member of the audit and risk committee
99.94% 0.06% 48 849 053 65.49% 0.89%
Ordinary resolution number 5:
To re-appoint PE Burton as member of the audit and risk committee
99.94% 0.06% 48 849 053 65.49% 0.89%
Ordinary resolution number 6:
To re-appoint TS Dube as member of the audit and risk committee
99.94% 0.06% 48 849 053 65.49% 0.89%
Ordinary resolution number 7:
To re-appoint KPMG Inc. as the auditor of the Company
98.60% 1.40% 49 507 630 66.37% 0.01%
Ordinary resolution number 8:
To pass a non-binding advisory vote on the Company’s remuneration policy
98.60% 1.40% 49 511 630 66.38% 0.00%
Ordinary resolution number 9:
To pass a non-binding advisory vote on the Company’s implementation report on the remuneration policy
98.60% 1.40% 49 508 927 66.37% 0.01%
Special resolution number 1:
Approval of remuneration of non-executive directors
98.59% 1.41% 49 511 630 66.38% 0.00%
Special resolution number 2:
Approval of right to provide financial assistance as contemplated in
section 45 of the Companies Act
99.94% 0.06% 48 849 053 65.49% 0.89%


*Total number of shares in issue as at the date of the AGM was 74 585 065, of which 2 999 893 were treasury shares

27 May 2022
PSG Capital

SENS Announcement – Summarised Group Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2021

Operating loss decreased by 45.33% to R13.6 million, from R24.9 million in the prior corresponding period.

Loss and headline loss per share improved by 49.26% to a loss of 12.69 cents per share, from a loss and headline loss per share of 25.01 cents per share in the prior corresponding period.

Net asset value per share (“NAVPS”) decreased by 8.23% to 145 cents per share, from 158 cents per share in the prior corresponding period.

This short-form announcement is the responsibility of the directors of the Company. It contains only a summary of the information in the full announcement (“Full Announcement”) and does not contain full or complete details. The Full Announcement can be found at:

Copies of the Full Announcement is also available for viewing on the Company’s website at or may be requested in person, at the Company’s registered office or the office of the sponsor, at no charge, during office hours.

Any investment decisions by investors and/or shareholders should be based on consideration of the Full Announcement, as a whole.

These annual results for the year ended 31 December 2021 have been audited by the Company’s auditors, KPMG Inc., who expressed an unmodified audit opinion thereon. The audit opinion also includes communication of key audit matters. The audit opinion is available, along with the annual financial statements (included within the annual report), and the summary financial results, on the Company’s website at or respectively.

29 March 2022
PSG Capital

SENS Announcement – Notice of Annual General Meeting and Summarised Financial Statements

Randgold & Exploration Company Limited (“the Company”) hereby advises shareholders of the Company (“Shareholders”) that the Company’s Notice to Shareholders (“the Notice”) regarding its annual general meeting(“AnnualGeneralMeeting”), incorporating the summarised consolidated annual financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2021, was dispatched to Shareholders today, Tuesday, 29 March 2022.

The following documents will also be available on the Company’s website,at as from today, 29 March 2022:

  1. the Notice to Shareholders: Annual General Meeting; and
  2. the Annual Report containing the audited consolidated annual financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2021.


Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of Shareholders (“AGM”) will beconducted entirely by electronic communication at 11:00 on Friday, 27 May 2022, to transact the business as set out in the Notice of AGM

Kindly note the following salient details:

Issuer name Randgold &ExplorationCompanyLimited
Type of instrument Ordinary shares
ISIN number AE000008819
JSE code RNG
Meeting type Annual General Meeting
Meeting venue Electronic communication
Recorddate–todeterminewhichshareholders are entitled to receive the notice of meeting Friday,18 March2022
Publication/posting date Tuesday, 29March2022
Last day to trade–Last day to trade todetermine eligible shareholders that may attend, speak and vote at the meeting Tuesday,17May2022
Recorddate–todetermineeligible shareholders that may attend, speak and vote at the meeting Friday,20May2022
Meeting deadline date (For administrative purposes, forms of proxy for the meeting to be lodged) Wednesday,25May2022
Meeting date 11:00onFriday, 27May2022
Publication of results Friday, 27May2022
Website link

29 March 2022
PSG Capital

SENS Announcement – Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act: Affidavit

In accordance with paragraph 16.21(g) and Appendix 1 to Section 11 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, notice is hereby given that the Company’s annual compliance report in terms of section 13G(2) of the Act has been published and is, together with the Company’s latest broadbased black economic empowerment certificate, available on the Company’s website at .


29 March 2022


PSG Capital