SENS Announcement – Notice of Annual General Meeting and Summarised Financial Statements

Randgold & Exploration Company Limited (“the Company”) hereby advises shareholders of the Company (“Shareholders”) that the Company’s Notice to Shareholders (“the Notice”) regarding its annual general meeting(“AnnualGeneralMeeting”), incorporating the summarised consolidated annual financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2021, was dispatched to Shareholders today, Tuesday, 29 March 2022.

The following documents will also be available on the Company’s website,at as from today, 29 March 2022:

  1. the Notice to Shareholders: Annual General Meeting; and
  2. the Annual Report containing the audited consolidated annual financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2021.


Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of Shareholders (“AGM”) will beconducted entirely by electronic communication at 11:00 on Friday, 27 May 2022, to transact the business as set out in the Notice of AGM

Kindly note the following salient details:

Issuer name Randgold &ExplorationCompanyLimited
Type of instrument Ordinary shares
ISIN number AE000008819
JSE code RNG
Meeting type Annual General Meeting
Meeting venue Electronic communication
Recorddate–todeterminewhichshareholders are entitled to receive the notice of meeting Friday,18 March2022
Publication/posting date Tuesday, 29March2022
Last day to trade–Last day to trade todetermine eligible shareholders that may attend, speak and vote at the meeting Tuesday,17May2022
Recorddate–todetermineeligible shareholders that may attend, speak and vote at the meeting Friday,20May2022
Meeting deadline date (For administrative purposes, forms of proxy for the meeting to be lodged) Wednesday,25May2022
Meeting date 11:00onFriday, 27May2022
Publication of results Friday, 27May2022
Website link

29 March 2022
PSG Capital