Notice of a general meeting and Form of Proxy


Action required

  1. If you are in any doubt as to the action that you should take in relation to this circular, please consult your CSDP, broker, banker, attorney, accountant or other professional advisor immediately.
  2. If you have disposed of all your R&E ordinary shares please forward this circular to the purchaser of such R&E shares or the CSDP, broker, banker or other agent through whom such disposal was effected.
  3. Certificated shareholders or “own name” dematerialised shareholders who are unable to attend the annual general meeting of R&E shareholders to be held at 09h00 on Friday, 9 March 2007 at 28 Harrison Street, Johannesburg and wish to be represented at such meeting, must complete and return the attached forms of proxy in accordance with the instructions contained therein to the transfer secretaries, Computershare Investor Services 2004 (Proprietary) Limited, Ground Floor, 70 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, 2001 (PO Box 61051, Marshalltown, 2107), which forms, in order to be valid, must be received by no later than 09h00 on Wednesday, 7 March 2007.
  4. Dematerialised shareholders, other than “own name” dematerialised shareholders who wish to attend the general meeting of R&E shareholders to be held at 09h00 on Friday, 9 March 2007 at 28 Harrison Street,  Johannesburg must instruct their CSDP or broker to issue them with the necessary authority to attend. Should dematerialised shareholders, other than “own name” dematerialised shareholders wish to vote at the general
    meeting of R&E shareholders by proxy, they must provide their CSDP or broker with their voting instructions in terms of the custody agreement entered into between them and their CSDP or broker.

Notice of a general meeting and Form of Proxy

Download the Proxy Form

Instructions for signing and lodging this form of proxy

  1. A Randgold shareholder may insert the name of a proxy or the names of two alternative proxies of the Randgold shareholder’s choice in the space/s provided, with or without deleting “the Chairman of the General
    Meeting”, but any such deletion must be initialled by the Randgold shareholder concerned. The person whose name appears first on the form of proxy and who is present at the General Meeting will be entitled to act as
    proxy to the exclusion of those whose names follow.
  2. The date must be filled in on this proxy form when it is signed.
  3. Documentary evidence establishing the authority of a person signing this form of proxy in a representative capacity must be attached to this form of proxy unless previously recorded by the South African Transfer Secretaries or the United Kingdom Registrars or waived by the Chairman of the General Meeting of Randgold shareholders.
  4. Any alterations or corrections made to this form of proxy must be initialled by the shareholder concerned.
  5. A minor must be assisted by his/her parent or guardian unless the relevant documents establishing his/her legal capacity are produced or have been registered by the South African Transfer Secretaries or the United Kingdom
  6. Forms of proxy must be received by the South African Transfer Secretaries, Computershare Investor Services 2004 (Pty) Limited at 70 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, 2001 (P O Box 61051, Marshalltown 2107) or the
    United Kingdom Registrars, Capita Registrars, The Registry, 34 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 4TU by no later than 10h00 on Friday, 11 November 2005.
  7. The Chairman of the General Meeting may accept or reject any form of proxy, in his absolute discretion, which is completed other than in accordance with these notes.
  8. If required, additional forms of proxy are available from the South African Transfer Secretaries or the United Kingdom Registrars.
  9. American Depository Receipt holders will receive a form of proxy generated by the Company’s Depository Bank, The Bank of New York.
  10. Dematerialised shareholders of Randgold, other than by own name registration, must NOT complete this form of proxy and must provide their CSDP or broker of their instructions in terms of the custody agreement
    entered into between such shareholders and their CSDP or broker