Resignation of Chairman and Renewal of Cautionary

In compliance with section 3.59 of the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited, notification is hereby given that Mr. David Morris Nurek has resigned as a director from the Board of R & E and from his position of Chairman with effect from 9th July 2008. The board wishes to express its appreciation for the commitment and contribution that Mr. Nurek has made to the company during his tenure of office.

Independent non-executive director, Mr. David Chaim Kovarsky has been appointed as acting Chairman of the Company


Further to the cautionary announcements, the last of which was dated 29 May 2008, shareholders are advised to continue to exercise caution when trading in their shares over-the-counter until a further announcement is made.

10th July 2008

Sasfin Capital
(A division of Sasfin Bank Limited)

Posted in Company Announcements.