Results of General Meeting of shareholders

1. Shareholders of R&E are referred to the announcements released by the Company on SENS on 12 October 2010, in the press on 13 October 2010 and on SENS on 8 November 2010 and to the Company’s circular (“the circular”) to shareholders issued on 8 November 2010 relating to:

1.1 a distribution in specie of the R&E shareholding in Gold Fields Limited (“Gold Fields”), comprising 2 270 687 ordinary shares in Gold Fields, as a specific payment to R&E shareholders in terms of section 90 of the Companies Act 61 of 1973, as amended; and
1.2 a special dividend of 90 cents per share to R&E shareholders.
2. Shareholders are advised that at the general meeting of R&E held today, 30 November 2010, the ordinary resolution and special resolution, as more fully set out in the notice of general meeting of R&E shareholders included in the circular, were passed by the requisite majority of shareholders present and represented by proxy.

3. As stated in the circular, it is anticipated that the requisite special resolution, as approved by the shareholders at the abovementioned general meeting, will be registered with the Registrar of Companies on or about 8 December 2010. The Company will thereafter make a finalisation announcement on SENS, which will, inter alia, notify shareholders of the date upon with the distribution in specie will be made and the special dividend will be paid.

4. US shareholders are referred to the Company’s website (, specifically the announcement published on 8 July 2010, for information regarding the US market.


30 November 2010
PSG Capital (Pty) Limited

Posted in Company Announcements.