SENS announcement – Reviewed results for the six months ended 30 June 2011

Commentary to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2011


The board of Randgold & Exploration Company Limited (R&E) is pleased to announce the interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2011.

Dividend in specie and special cash dividend

The distribution of the company’s remaining investment in Gold Fields Limited (GFI) as well as a special cash dividend of 90 cents per R&E share, as approved by shareholders on 30 November 2010, was effected on 17 January 2011. Refer to the notes to these condensed consolidated interim financial statements for further details.


The majority of the income recognised in the period under review was a result of profit realised on the distribution of the investments held for distribution and profit from the sale of prospecting rights.

Financial position

R&E is liquid with no interest-bearing debt. R&E’s total assets consist primarily of cash. R&E had a net asset value per share of R2.47 at 30 June 2011.

Cash flow

R&E started the period under review with a cash balance of R291.8 million. Operating activities utilised cash of R20.8 million during the period under review, primarily as a result of taxation paid and operating expenses.

Investing activities yielded cash inflows of R11.8 million resulting from dividends received and proceeds from the sale of prospecting rights.

The major cash outflow from financing activities for the period under review was the special cash dividend paid of R64.6 million.

R&E remains in a strong cash position with R218.1 million in cash and cash equivalents at 30 June 2011.


Given R&E’s liquidity and position in the resources industry, management will continue to focus on seeking new opportunities, where appropriate, for the benefit of R&E and its shareholders. As in the past, a pragmatic commercial approach will be adopted in dealing with the outstanding legal claims.

DC Kovarsky                 Marais Steyn
Chairman                    Chief Executive Officer

2 August 2011


Condensed consolidated interim statement of comprehensive income

For the six months ended
30 June 2011 30 June 2010
Reviewed Reviewed
Notes R’000 R’000
Revenue 1 826 12 048
Recoveries – JCI 783 549
           – Other 25 205
Profit on sale of prospecting rights 7 9 963
Profit on distribution of investments 6 52 474
Foreign exchange gains 1 513
Other income 8 10 353
Other operating expenses (14 505) (38 592)
Profit from operating activities 51 279 792 563
Finance income 3 073 1 320
Profit before taxation 54 352 793 883
Taxation 954 (1 052)
Profit for the period 55 306 792 831
Other comprehensive income
Change in fair value of available-for-sale investments 6 (9 537) 11 618
Realised gain reclassified to profit or loss (52 474)
Total comprehensive (loss)/income (6 705) 804 449
Profit attributable to:
Non-controlling interest 628
Owners of the company 55 306 792 203
Profit for the period 55 306 792 831
Total comprehensive (loss)/income attributable to:
Non-controlling interest 628
Owners of the company (6 705) 803 821
Total comprehensive (loss)/income (6 705) 804 449
Basic and diluted earnings per share (cents) 8 77 1 103
Dividend per share (cents) 8 1 101


Condensed consolidated interim statement of financial position

As at
30 June
31 December 2010
Reviewed Audited
Notes R’000 R’000
Non-current assets 776 782
Plant and equipment 302 308
Intangible assets 474 474
Current assets 220 586 568 291
Trade and other receivables 2 481 2 649
Investments held for distribution 6 273 845
Cash and cash equivalents 218 105 291 797
Total assets 221 362 569 073
Equity and liabilities
Shareholders’ equity 177 287 174 455
Issued capital 748 748
Share premium
Reserves 62 011
Retained earnings 176 539 111 696
Non-current liabilities
Post-retirement medical benefit obligation 36 114 36 429
Current liabilities 7 961 358 189
Tax liabilities 11 220
Shareholders for dividend 338 477
Trade and other payables 7 961 8 492
Total equity and liabilities 221 362 569 073


Condensed consolidated interim statement of changes in equity

For the six months ended
30 June 2011 30 June 2010
Reviewed Reviewed
Notes R’000 R’000
Share capital
Balance at the beginning and end of the period 748 748
Share premium 162 612
Balance at the beginning of the period 986 054
Distribution dividend (823 442)
Investment fair value reserve 23 755
Balance at the beginning of the period 62 011 12 137
Change in fair value of available-for-sale investments (9 537) 11 618
Realised gain reclassified to profit or loss (52 474)
Retained earnings 176 539 316 518
Balance at the beginning of the period 111 696 (514 787)
Transaction with non-controlling shareholders 6 079
Profit for the period 55 306 792 203
Distribution dividend 33 023
Remeasurement of shareholders for dividend 6 9 537
Non-controlling interest 9 396
Balance at the beginning of the period 250 378
Transaction with non-controlling shareholders (168 034)
Dividends paid to non-controlling shareholders (73 576)
Profit for the period 628


Condensed consolidated interim statement of cash flows

For the six months ended

30 June 2011

30 June 2010





Profit before taxation

54 352

793 883

Adjusted for:
Recoveries not settled in cash

(808 754)

Profit on distribution of investments

(52 474)

Profit from sale of prospecting rights

(9 963)

Other non-cash items


5 277

Interest received

(3 073)

(1 320)

Dividends received

(1 826)

(12 048)

Working capital changes


38 727

Cash flows from operations

(13 439)

15 765

Interest received

3 073


Taxation paid

(10 450)


Cash flows from operating activities

(20 816)

15 914

Cash flows from investing activities

11 757

85 534

Dividends received

1 826

12 048

Proceeds from disposal of recovered assets

27 344

Proceeds on disposal of prospecting rights

9 963

Acquisition of plant and equipment



Proceeds from disposal of plant and equipment


Loan payments received

46 430

Cash flow from financing activities

(64 633)

(73 576)

Dividends paid

(64 633)

Dividends paid to non-controlling shareholders

(73 576)

Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents

(73 692)

27 872

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period

291 797

294 806

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period

218 105

322 678


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2011

1. Reporting entity
R&E is a company domiciled and incorporated in the Republic of South Africa. The condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the company for the six months ended 30 June 2011 include the company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as “the group”).

2. Statement of compliance

The condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2011 have been prepared in compliance with the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) (in particular International Accounting Standard 34 Interim Financial Reporting) and the AC 500 Standards as issued by the Accounting Practices Board or its successor.


These condensed consolidated interim financial statements were approved by the board of directors on 2 August 2011.

3. Significant accounting policies
The accounting policies applied by the group in these condensed consolidated interim financial statements are the same as those applied by the group in its consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2010, except for the following standards and interpretations adopted on 1 January 2011:

Revised IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures
IFRIC 14 Amendment: Prepayments of minimum funding requirements
Various improvements to IFRSs 2010 Excluding amendments to IFRS 3 Business Combinations, IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements

There was no significant impact on these condensed consolidated interim financial statements as a result of adopting these standards and interpretations.

4. Independent review by the auditor
The condensed consolidated interim financial statements of R&E were reviewed by KPMG Inc. The individual auditor assigned to perform the review is Mr CH Basson. The unmodified review report is available for inspection at the company’s registered office.

5. Segment reporting
The group operates in a single operating segment as an investment holding company with assets in the mining industry.

6. Distribution of 2 270 687 GFI shares and special cash dividend of 90 cents per R&E share

On 30 November 2010, R&E shareholders approved the distribution of R&E’s remaining listed investment in GFI (amounting to 3.16193 GFI shares per 100 R&E shares held), as well as a cash dividend of 90 cents per share. These distributions were effected on 17 January 2011. STC was paid on the portion of the distribution not made out of share premium.

As a result of this distribution, the investment fair value reserve at 17 January 2011 of R52.4 million was reclassified to profit or loss.

Investment held for distribution – 1 January 2011 273 845
Value of GFI shares at distribution date – 17 January 2011 (264 308)
Decrease in fair value of investment held for distribution recognised in other comprehensive income 9 537
Investment fair value reserve – 1 January 2011 (62 011)
Realised gain reclassified to profit or loss 52 474
Shareholders for dividend – 1 January 2011 338 477
Remeasurement – 17 January 2011 (9 537)
Distribution 328 940
GFI Shares 264 307
Cash 64 633

7. Profit on sale of prospecting rights
During the period under review, R&E disposed of certain of its prospecting rights which had a nil carrying value to a third party for R10 million (refer to note 10).

8. Earnings per share and dividend per share

For the six months ended
Basic earnings and diluted earnings per ordinary share 30 June 2011 Reviewed 30 June 2010 Reviewed
Basic and diluted earnings for the period (R’000) 55 306 792 203
Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue 71 813 235 71 813 128
Earnings per share (cents) 77 1 103
Headline and diluted headline earnings per ordinary share
Headline and diluted headline (loss)/earnings for the period (R’000) (7 131) 805 717
Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue 71 813 235 71 813 128
Headline (loss)/earnings per share (cents) (10) 1 122
Reconciliation between basic and headline earnings for the period R’000 R’000
Profit for the period attributable to the equity holders of the company 55 306 792 203
Adjusted for:
Profit on distribution/disposal of investments held for distribution/available-for-sale investments (52 474) (2 139)
Profit on disposal of prospecting rights (9 963)
Impairment of investment held for distribution 15 653
(7 131) 805 717
Tax effect of adjustments
Portion attributable to non-controlling interest
Headline (loss)/earnings for the period attributable to equity holders of the company (7 131) 805 717
Dividend per share
Total dividend declared (R’000) 790 419
Eligible shares in issue 71 813 235 71 813 128
Dividend per share (cents) 1 101
Total dividend payable from R&E’s share premium (R’000) 823 442
Dividend payable to group entities recognised in retained earnings (R’000) (33 023)
Shareholders for dividend per statement of financial position (R’000) 790 419

9. Net asset and tangible net asset value and per share
The net asset value per share is calculated using the following variables:

30 June 2011 Reviewed 31 Dec 2010 Audited
Net asset value (R’000) 177 287 174 455
Ordinary shares outstanding 71 813 235 71 813 235
Net asset value per share (cents) 247 243
Net tangible asset value per share (cents) 246 242

The number of shares outstanding at 31 December 2010 and 30 June 2011 has been adjusted for the 3 million treasury shares held.

10. Material changes
There have been no material changes to the information contained in the independent mineral asset valuation reports that were disclosed to shareholders in the settlement circular, however, two prospecting rights over various farms (collectively known as the Jeanette Prospecting Right and Weltevreden Prospecting Right) were disposed of during the reporting period (refer to note 7).

11. Related party transactions
There were no related party transactions during the period under review.

12. Events after reporting date
There were no significant events between the reporting date and the approval date of these results.

Directors: DC Kovarsky (Chairman)**, M Steyn (CEO)*, V Botha*, MB Madumise**, JH Scholes** (*Executive, **Independent non-executive)
Secretary and Registered office: RP Pearcey FCIS, 7th Floor Fredman Towers, 13 Fredman Drive, Sandown, 2196
Transfer secretaries: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd (Registration number 2004/003647/07) 70 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, 2001
Sponsor: PSG Capital

Posted in Company Announcements.