Randgold & Exploration – Voluntary Circular to R&E Shareholders


If you are in any doubt as to the action you should take, please consult your Central Securities Depository Participant (“CSDP”), broker,
banker, attorney, accountant or other professional advisor immediately.
Action required by Dematerialised and Certificated Shareholders:

  1. If you have disposed of your Shares in Randgold & Exploration Company Limited (“R&E”), this Circular and the attached Form of
    Proxy should be handed to the purchaser of such Shares or the CSDP, broker, banker or other agent through whom the disposal
    was effected.

    If you are holding Certificated Shares and/or are an “Own-Name” Dematerialised Shareholder:

  2. Holders of Certificated Shares and holders of Dematerialised Shares who have elected “Own-Name” registration in the subregister
    through a CSDP, who are unable to attend the General Meeting of R&E’s Shareholders to be held at MW Business
    Centre, Michelangelo Hotel, Mandela Square, Sandton, Johannesburg at 12:00 on Friday, 30 May 2014 (“the General Meeting”),
    but wish to be represented thereat must complete and return the attached Form of Proxy in accordance with the instructions
    contained therein so as to be received by the Transfer Secretaries, Computershare Investor Services (Proprietary) Limited,
    70 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, 2001 (PO Box 61763, Marshalltown, 2107) by no later than 12:00 on Wednesday, 28 May 2014.
    If you have Dematerialised your Shares and are not an “Own-Name” Dematerialised Shareholder:
  3. Holders of Dematerialised Shares must instruct their CSDP or broker to vote on their behalf in accordance with the custody
    agreement entered into between the Dematerialised Shareholder and their CSDP or broker. Such Dematerialised Shareholders
    who wish to attend the General Meeting in person or send a proxy to represent them thereat, must request their CSDP or broker
    to provide them with the necessary letter of authority for them or their proxy to attend and vote their Shares.
  4. Any CSDP or broker which does not obtain timeous voting instructions in terms of paragraph 3 above will be obliged to vote in
    accordance with the instructions
Posted in Company Announcements.