In accordance with paragraph 3.59 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, the board of
directors of the Company (“the Board”) wishes to advise shareholders that Mr Van Zyl Botha
(“Mr Botha”), has stepped down as financial director (“FD”) of the Company with immediate
effect and will remain as a non-executive director on the Board to preserve the corporate
memory of the last 10 years of litigation. The board appreciates the worthy contributions Mr.
Botha has made during his tenure as FD of the Company.
Furthermore, shareholders are advised that in terms of paragraph 3.59(c) of the JSE Limited
Listings Requirements, the Company is pleased to advise shareholders that Mr Marais Steyn
(“Mr Steyn”) will take on the role of joint chief executive officer (“CEO”) and FD of the
Company. The Issuer Regulation Division of the JSE Limited has granted dispensation to allow
Mr Steyn to fulfil this dual role as CEO and FD of the Company on a permanent basis.
The dispensation is based on the current status of the Company with limited operations as
presented to the Issuer Regulation Division of the JSE Limited by the Company.
The audit and risk committee of the Company is satisfied that Mr Steyn has the appropriate
expertise and experience to act as FD of the Company.
Mr Steyn comes with a wealth of relevant accounting and finance experience. He is a
chartered accountant, previously founded an audit practice and corporate finance advisory
firm, has been appointed as an executive director and a financial director of JSE-listed
companies and fills a number of non-executive board appointments.
27 February 2019
PSG Capital