Results of the Annual General Meeting

Shareholders are hereby advised that at the annual general meeting of the Company held entirely by electronic communication at 11:00 a.m. today, Monday, 8 May 2023 (“AGM”), all of the resolutions were passed by the requisite majorities of the Company’s shareholders.

Details of the results of the voting at the AGM are as follows:

Resolutions proposed at the AGM Votes for resolution as a percentage of total number of shares voted at AGM Votes against resolution as a percentage of total number of shares voted at AGM Number of shares voted at AGM Number of shares voted at AGM as a percentage of shares in issue* Number of shares abstained as a percentage of shares in issue*
Ordinary resolution number 1:

To re-elect PE Burton as director

100.00% 0.00% 42 154 936 56.52% 6.32%
Ordinary resolution number 2:

To re-elect JM Kesler as director

100.00% 0.00% 42 154 936 56.52% 6.32%
Ordinary resolution number 3:

To appoint RJ Fehrsen as member of the audit and risk committee

100.00% 0.00% 42 154 936 56.52% 6.32%
Ordinary resolution number 4:

To re-appoint PE Burton as member of the audit and risk committee

100.00% 0.00% 42 154 936 56.52 % 6.32%
Ordinary resolution number 5:

To re-appoint TS Dube as member of the audit and risk committee

97.16% 2.84% 43 384 971 58.17% 4.67%
Ordinary resolution number 6:

To reappoint KPMG Inc. as the auditor of the Company

97.16% 2.84% 43 384 971 58.17% 4.67%
Ordinary resolution number 7:

To pass a non- binding advisory vote on the Company’s remuneration policy

97.13% 2.87% 43 384 971 58.17% 4.67%
Ordinary resolution number 8:

To pass a non- binding advisory vote on the Company’s implementation report on the remuneration policy

97.13% 2.87% 43 384 971 58.17% 4.67%
Special resolution number 1:

Approval of remuneration of non-executive directors

97.14% 2.86% 43 380 120 58.16% 4.68%
Special resolution number 2:

Approval of right to provide financial assistance as contemplated in section 45 of the Companies Act

99.97% 0.03% 43 384 971 58.17% 4.67%


*Total number of shares in issue as at the date of the AGM was 74 585 065, of which 2 999 893 were treasury shares.

8 May 2023

PSG Capital

Posted in Company Announcements.