SENS Announcement – Results of Annual General Meeting

Shareholders are hereby advised that at the annual general meeting of the Company held at 11:00 today, 16 May 2017, at MW Business Centre, Michelangelo Hotel, Mandela Square, Sandton (“Annual General Meeting”), all of the proposed ordinary and special resolutions were passed by the requisite majority of votes cast by R&E shareholders present or represented by proxy. The detailed voting results of the Annual General Meeting are set out below.

Annual General Meeting Results:

Votes for resolution as a percentage of total number of shares voted at AGM(%) Votes against resolution as a percentage of total number of shares voted at AGM (%) Number of shares voted at the AGM Number of shares voted at the AGM as a percentage (%) of shares in issue Shares abstained as a percentage (%) of shares in issue
Ordinary Resolution Number 1: To re-elect DC Kovarsky as a director of the Company 100.00% 0.00% 41401189 57.83% 0.00%
Ordinary Resolution Number 2: To re-appoint DC Kovarsky as a member of the audit and risk committee of the Company 100.00% 0.00% 41401189 57.83% 0.00%
Ordinary Resolution Number 3: To re-appoint JH Scholes as a member of the audit and risk committee of the Company 100.00% 0.00% 41401189 57.83% 0.00%
Ordinary Resolution Number 4: To re-appoint P Burton as a member of the audit and risk committee of the Company 100.00% 0.00% 41401189 57.83% 0.00%
Ordinary Resolution Number 5: To re-appoint KPMG Inc as the auditor of the Company 100.00% 0.00% 41401189 57.83% 0.00%
Ordinary Resolution Number 6: To pass a non-binding advisory vote on the remuneration policy of the Company. 99.93% 0.07% 41398486 57.83% 0.01%
Special Resolution Number 1: Approval of remuneration of non-executive directors. 99.93% 0.07% 41395186 57.83% 0.01%
Special Resolution Number 2: Approval of right to provide financial assistance as contemplated in section 45 of the Companies Act 99.93% 0.07% 41395186 57.83% 0.01%

16 May 2017
PSG Capital Proprietary Limited

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